expr:content='data:blog.isMobile ? "width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0" : "width=1100"' name='viewport'/> Rasaddhayan- For Students: The Helium (He) Song

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Helium (He) Song

 The air is so thick, and it's hard to breathe

This atmosphere needs a little something extra, something to give it some pizazz

That's when the helium comes in, to make everything light and breezy

It's a feeling of freedom, like the wind in the trees

Pressure is high, and it's hard to breathe

We need something new, something to give us some ease

That's when the helium comes in with a power so sweet

It's a feeling of freedom, like a bird set free

I'm flying high with helium, nothing's gonna bring me down

Feel like I'm in a dream, like I'm on a cloud up in the sky

I'm reaching for the stars, no one's gonna stop me now

I'm feeling so free and light, like a helium balloon

Float away in the sky, my helium filled balloon

With my dreams, I fly, up to the moon

Soaring through the clouds, I'm free as a bird

I let go my worries, and all I heard was "word"

I'm flying high, no stress up in the sky

let go of my worries and all I do is glide

I'm like a helium filled balloon, nothing can slow me down

I'm in the clouds, and I'm feeling like the king of this town

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