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Friday, May 19, 2023

What is metal to metal charge transfer (MMCT)?

 Metal-to-metal charge transfer (MMCT) refers to a type of electronic transition that occurs between two metal centers in a complex or compound. In MMCT, an electron is transferred from a metal ion or atom (the electron donor) to another metal ion or atom (the electron acceptor).

MMCT transitions typically involve metal ions or atoms with different oxidation states or electronic configurations. The electron transfer leads to a change in the oxidation state or electronic configuration of the metal centers involved.

The energy of the absorbed or emitted light in MMCT transitions corresponds to the energy difference between the initial and final states of the electron donor and acceptor metals. This energy difference is influenced by factors such as the electronic structure of the metal centers, the ligands coordinating to the metals, and the environment surrounding the complex.

MMCT transitions are often observed in transition metal complexes and are responsible for their characteristic colors and spectroscopic properties. These transitions can have implications in various fields, including coordination chemistry, photochemistry, and materials science.


Here are a few examples of metal-to-metal charge transfer (MMCT) complexes:

  1. Prussian Blue: Prussian Blue is a well-known MMCT complex consisting of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions. The electron transfer occurs between the Fe(II) and Fe(III) centers, resulting in a deep blue color.

  2. Ruthenium(II)-Osmium(II) Complexes: These complexes feature a MMCT transition between the ruthenium(II) and osmium(II) metal centers. The absorption of light in the visible region leads to distinctive colors ranging from red to purple.

  3. Copper(I)-Copper(II) Complexes: Certain copper complexes exhibit MMCT transitions between Cu(I) and Cu(II) ions. These transitions result in intense absorption bands in the visible region, giving rise to characteristic colors such as blue and green.

  4. Nickel(II)-Copper(II) Complexes: Complexes containing both nickel(II) and copper(II) ions can exhibit MMCT transitions. The electron transfer occurs from the nickel(II) center to the copper(II) center, leading to distinct colors and spectroscopic features.

  5. Manganese(III)-Ruthenium(III) Complexes: In certain manganese(III)-ruthenium(III) complexes, MMCT transitions occur between the two metal centers. These transitions are responsible for the absorption of light in the visible region, resulting in various colors.

These examples illustrate the variety of MMCT complexes involving different combinations of transition metal ions, oxidation states, and ligands. The specific colors and properties observed in each complex depend on the nature of the metal centers and their coordination environment.

What is d-d transition?

 A d-d transition refers to an electronic transition that occurs between two energy levels of electrons in the d orbitals of transition metal ions. In these transitions, an electron is excited from one d orbital to another d orbital within the same ion.

Transition metal ions have partially filled d orbitals, which give rise to their characteristic colors in compounds or solutions. When light interacts with these ions, it can be absorbed or emitted as a result of electronic transitions between different energy levels of the d orbitals.

The energy of the absorbed or emitted light corresponds to the energy difference between the initial and final d orbital states involved in the transition. This energy difference is determined by various factors, such as the nature of the transition metal ion, its oxidation state, and the ligands surrounding the ion in a complex.

Overall, d-d transitions are important in understanding the optical properties and colors exhibited by transition metal complexes, and they play a significant role in fields such as spectroscopy and coordination chemistry.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

What is the difference between Markovnikov's and anti-Markovnikov's addition

 Markovnikov's and anti-Markovnikov's addition are two types of electrophilic addition reactions that occur in organic chemistry. The main difference between the two is the regiochemistry of the reaction, which refers to the position of the added group relative to the double bond. Markovnikov's addition occurs when the electrophile adds to the carbon atom of the double bond that has more hydrogen atoms attached to it, while anti-Markovnikov's addition occurs when the electrophile adds to the carbon atom of the double bond that has fewer hydrogen atoms attached to itIn other words, Markovnikov's addition follows the rule "the rich get richer," while anti-Markovnikov's addition follows the rule "the poor get richer." The difference in regiochemistry is due to the formation of a more stable carbocation intermediate in Markovnikov's addition, which leads to preferential attachment of the electrophile to the more substituted carbon atom.  Anti-Markovnikov's addition is less common than Markovnikov's addition and usually requires special conditions or reagent.

Addition of BH3 to carbon carbon double bond

 The addition of BH3 to a carbon-carbon double bond is the first step in the hydroboration-oxidation reactionThis step is called hydroboration and it is an electrophilic addition reaction. The mechanism of this step involves the vacant 2p orbital of the boron electrophile pairing with the electron pair of the pi bond of the nucleophile. The hydrogen atom attached to boron is transferred to the carbon atom adjacent to the one that becomes bonded to boron, attaching to the less-substituted carbonThis results in the formation of an organoborane compound. The hydroboration step is repeated two additional times, successively reacting each B-H bond so that three alkenes add to each BH3. The reaction provides a more stereospecific and complementary regiochemical alternative to other hydration reactions such as acid-catalyzed addition and the oxymercuration-reduction process. 

Steps of Hydroboration reaction:

The hydroboration-oxidation reaction is a two-step process that involves the addition of borane to an alkene followed by oxidation. The first step is the hydroboration step, which begins with the addition of borane (BH3) to the double bond of the alkene. The reaction occurs rapidly. This leads to the transfer of a hydrogen atom to the carbon atom that is adjacent to the carbon bonded with the boron atom. The mechanism starts with a borane attacking the π bond at the less substituted and sterically less hindered site of an alkene forming a cyclic transition state. The overall result is a syn-addition of BH2 and hydrogen across the alkene double bond, producing an alkylborane. The reaction of a second borane molecule with the alkylborane produces a dialkylborane. The hydroboration reaction is an electrophilic addition reaction that results in the formation of an organoborane intermediate. The second step is the oxidation step, which involves the oxidation of the organoborane intermediate with an oxidizing agent such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or sodium perborate (NaBO3). The oxidation step converts the organoborane intermediate into an alcohol by replacing the boron atom with a hydroxyl group.

Note: The reaction proceeds in an anti-Markovnikov manner, where the hydrogen from BH3 attaches to the more substituted carbon and the boron attaches to the less substituted carbon. This is because the hydroboration step occurs in a concerted syn addition of B and H across the double bond, with the boron adding to the less substituted carbon. Overall, the addition of BH3 to carbon carbon double bond is a Markovnikov's syn addition reaction.

Hydroboration-oxidation can be used for the synthesis of most types of alcohols, but there are some limitations.

Limitation:  The hydroboration-oxidation reaction has some limitations, which are listed below:

  • The reaction is not suitable for the synthesis of primary alcohols as the reaction stops at the formation of the corresponding aldehyde.
  • The reaction is not effective for the synthesis of tertiary alcohols as the reaction leads to the formation of a mixture of products.
  • The reaction is not regioselective for internal alkenes, which can lead to the formation of a mixture of products.
  • The reaction requires the use of borane, which is a toxic and pyrophoric reagent.
  • The reaction requires careful handling and storage due to the instability of borane.
Despite these limitations, hydroboration-oxidation is still a useful and widely used method for the synthesis of alcohols from alkenes due to its high stereoselectivity and complementary regiochemistry.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Gypsum and Plaster of Paris

 Gypsum and Plaster of Paris are not the same, although they are related. Gypsum is a naturally occurring soft sulfate mineral deposited from lake and sea water and found in layers of sedimentary rocks. It has calcium sulphate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O). Plaster of Paris, on the other hand, is produced by heating gypsum or calcium sulphate to a very high temperature of 120 degrees Celsius for an hour. Plaster of Paris is a building material that is used for protective or decorative purposes. It is a quick-setting gypsum plaster consisting of a fine white powder (calcium sulfate hemihydrate), which hardens when moistened and allowed to dry. Plaster of Paris is commonly used to precast and hold parts of ornamental plasterwork placed on ceilings and cornices, and in medicine to make plaster casts to immobilize broken bones while they heal.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Helium (He) Song

 The air is so thick, and it's hard to breathe

This atmosphere needs a little something extra, something to give it some pizazz

That's when the helium comes in, to make everything light and breezy

It's a feeling of freedom, like the wind in the trees

Pressure is high, and it's hard to breathe

We need something new, something to give us some ease

That's when the helium comes in with a power so sweet

It's a feeling of freedom, like a bird set free

I'm flying high with helium, nothing's gonna bring me down

Feel like I'm in a dream, like I'm on a cloud up in the sky

I'm reaching for the stars, no one's gonna stop me now

I'm feeling so free and light, like a helium balloon

Float away in the sky, my helium filled balloon

With my dreams, I fly, up to the moon

Soaring through the clouds, I'm free as a bird

I let go my worries, and all I heard was "word"

I'm flying high, no stress up in the sky

let go of my worries and all I do is glide

I'm like a helium filled balloon, nothing can slow me down

I'm in the clouds, and I'm feeling like the king of this town

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Story of a Squirrel


Once upon a time, in a forest far away, there lived a squirrel named Sammy. Sammy was a curious little squirrel who loved to explore the forest and make new friends. One day, while he was out gathering nuts, he met a rabbit named Rosie. Rosie was a kind and gentle rabbit who loved to hop around and play.

Sammy and Rosie quickly became friends and spent all their time together. They would play hide and seek, chase each other around the forest, and share their food. Sammy was happy to have found such a good friend.One day, while they were playing, they heard a loud noise coming from the other side of the forest. They decided to investigate and found a group of animals who were in trouble. A family of birds had lost their nest in a storm, and their babies were stranded on the ground.Sammy and Rosie knew they had to help. They quickly gathered some leaves and twigs and built a new nest for the birds. They carefully placed the babies in the nest and watched as the mother bird flew down to feed them.The animals were grateful for Sammy and Rosie's help and invited them to a party to celebrate. Sammy and Rosie had a great time at the party, dancing and singing with their new friends.From that day on, Sammy and Rosie became known as the heroes of the forest. They continued to explore and make new friends, always ready to help those in need. And they lived happily ever after.

The Hydrogen song

 Hydrogen, the lightest of all

Its the fuel of the future, and the power of the stars

Can power cars and homes, a new and clean source

The possibilities are endless, and the future looks of course

Hydrogen in the air, a new energy source

Combustion, no emissions, the planet's no worse

We can power up the future, no guilt or shame

A force of nature, that's here to reclaim

The power of the future, a clean and green machine

A force of nature, that's here to be seen

No more toxic air or oceans of oil

No more pollution, no more burning coal

Monday, May 8, 2023

The Sodium song

 Never take sodium for granted, from it all life is enhanced

An essential element, without it we can't progress

Regulates the body, keeps it in a state of success

Sodium chloride, a vital part of our daily mess

It's in our table salt, keeps us balanced and healthy

Bonded with chlorine, its role in life is key

In our diets we need it, to keep our bodies in check

Without it, we'd all be weak, there's no doubt it's a must-have

Sodium chloride, a gift from nature divine

Balances our bodies, keeps us in a healthy line

Essential for life, the perfect daily dose

Without it, our lives would be without a focus

Nature provides us with a beautiful gift

Essential for life, sodium chloride is it

Keeps our bodies balanced, every single day

A potion of health, it washes our pain away

Nature provides us with a precious gift

Sodium chloride, a miracle we can't resist

In every cell, a vital element for life

Helps our bodies stay balanced, free from strife

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Radius ratio Rule


The radius ratio rule is a concept used in condensed matter physics and inorganic chemistry to determine the stability and structure of ionic compounds. It is based on the idea that cations and anions in an ionic compound will arrange themselves in a way that maximizes the number of cation-anion contacts while minimizing the electrostatic repulsion between ions. The radius ratio is defined as the ratio of the radius of the cation to the radius of the anion, denoted as r+/r-. The rule states that an ionic compound will be stable if the value of the radius ratio falls within a certain range for a given coordination number. The coordination number is the number of anions that surround a cation in the crystal lattice. The critical radius ratio is the value of the radius ratio at which the electrostatic repulsion between ions becomes too strong and the crystal lattice becomes unstable. For coordination number six, the stability limit occurs at a radius ratio of 0.414, where the cation is touching all the anions and the anions are just touching at their edges. It is important to note that the radius ratio rule only applies to ionic substances and not to covalent compounds. Additionally, the rule is a simplified model and does not take into account other factors that can affect the stability and structure of ionic compounds, such as charge density and crystal packing effects.

What is metal to metal charge transfer (MMCT)?

  Metal-to-metal charge transfer (MMCT) refers to a type of electronic transition that occurs between two metal centers in a complex or comp...